There’s not much you could visit in Malang city, however surrounding Malang, there are many tourist attraction worth to visit, such as Bromo, which is known has the best view to enjoy sunrise, Selendang Biru beach, which still has the natural beauty of white sandy beach and Batu, the small town which look alike Puncak. Moreover, Malang is an interesting place for those who love Indonesian cuisine culinary.
On the last weekend, I visited Malang to attend my best friend’s wedding. Take an advantage at that opportunity; I planned to visit Batu and Bromo during my visit. Here are the places worth to visit when you’re in Malang:
1. Candi Sumber Awan & Candi Singosari
Candi Sumber Awan is also located not very far from Candi Singosari, however the atmosphere is different, as this temple is located inside the forest, which you need to walk about 400 meters to reach the temple. This is the only stupa –modeled temple in East Java, according to the temple guard.
2. Coban Rondo Waterfall, Batu
Coban Rondo waterfall is located at Pandesari village, Pujon District (about 32 km away to the West from Malang). It took about 30 minutes to go to the waterfall from Malang. The waterfall itself is not very hard to find as there is path walk for visitors to follow, with the view of pine trees on the path side. The height of waterfall is about 84 meter. Visitors can enjoy the beautiful view of waterfall or even swim under the waterfall.
Historically, the word Coban means ‘waterfall’ while Rondo means ‘widow’. It is name under the legend of Dewi Anjarwati, by which the waterfall is the hiding place of Dewi Anjarwati from Joko Lelono, who tried to take her from her husband, Raden Baron Kusuma. Joko Lelono and Raden Baron Kusuma died during the fight, which left Dewi Anjarwati as a widow.
The entrance fee to the waterfall is Rp6,000 / per person or Rp2,000 for motor cycle. It is quite cheap and I think it is an interesting place for having a refreshing holiday.
3. Batu Night Spectacular.
4. Bromo

The sun is rise since 5-6 am, but if you arrived early, you will get better spot to view sunrise. My recommendation is when you arrived at Mount Pananjakan at 3 am, you go straight to the sunrise terrace (please bring flashlight as the step to terrace is very dark around that hour), unless you wanted to buy some foods or hot drinks at the stalls. Before 5am, you could find seats at the terrace sunrise and when the orange color starts to appear, go to the left – center side of the balcony. That is where the sun will rise. It can be pretty crowded after that, so you better save your spot first, especially if you wanted to have good pictures, without no strangers behind you. J The sun will rise on the front and if you turn right, you could see a very breathtaking view of Mount Semeru.
From the Mount Pananjakan, you could go to Sand of Sea to see the Crater Lake by jeep. The rental fee costs Rp300,000 – Rp350,000. At the Sand of Sea you have to climb up the steps to the mountain before seeing the crater. There are horses available to be ride if you don’t feel like climbing. It cost Rp20,000 – Rp100,000 / horse depending on how you are able to bargain *hehe*
5. Tugu Hotel
6. Bakso Pahlawan Trip
Honestly, I don’t really like the grilled meat ball as it is too sweet for me, but it is always fun to try new food, right? The meat ball soup served here is better, I think.
The food stall is located at Pahlawan Trip street, near the Ijen area. Overall, the place is clean and the price is worthed, so just give it a try and enjoy Malang speciality food :-)
7. Toko Oen
8. Inggil Restaurant
Aside from an ordinary restaurant, Inggil provides Javanese food and oldies atmosphere. The food tastes good, especially the mango chilly, but most of all what makes this restaurant extraordinary is it has pictures of old advertising and pictures hanging on the wall and antique stuffs like old radio, gramophone, and other stuffs. The price is not very expensive around Rp30,000/person. This restaurant is located at Jl. Gajah Mada No.4.
9. Sentra Keripik Tempe
Last but not least, you must visit this place to buy gifts for people at home. It is located at Jl. Sanan and there are many stores which sell almost the same items. The biggest one and located on the street side is Lancar Jaya. While others which is also famous and not very far from the street is Burung Swari. Price at each store may slightly difference but no bargain is allowed. You’ll find keripik tempe, keripik buah, bakpia and other snacks of Malang specialties. Price of the keripik is ranging from Rp6,000 – Rp15,000.
So I think that’s all about Malang. I will put separate blog entry for information of Bromo. Just wait for my next writing,ok?!
Na harusnya fotony yg ada background gambar gw nya na...hehehe
bagus dan jelas bgt menggambarkan kunjungan lo ke malang...
ke sana lagi yukkk!!!!
Na, poto2nya indah2 banget, deskripsinya juga jelas jadi pengen kesana lagi :) Anyway, tulis aja di bukisa juga na..disana belom banyak reference tentang indonesia trip
@lovineachday: if you permit it, next time, i'll upload photo with u on it, hohoho...
@patar tobing: thanks a lot, tar. Definitely will try bukisa, thx for the reference :)
Waw nice place, must be go to Malang
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